Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Job

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Hi..Today i want to story ler about my job.Hehe..!Sgt best even quiet busy,it is still rewarding and excting.My job nature brings me to all over places locally and abroad.Wow!I just can't beleive my work could be this interesting!It gives me chances to meet new people almost everyday.Making new friends and lots of contacts!

When,I think back,after years of sorrow , sadness , down feeling , it pays me back with exciting.Even the work pace requires me to work in fast mode everyday , i dun hv problem to do that.I keep travelling so it gives me to be observant.Who has chance like me!I'm just loving it!

Thank God!What more i can say..When I think about Rudy,after frequent thought,i decided to strive with him.I will support him because we share the same interest.His passion make myself believe he is the right person that can bring me up..

Sometimes,i knew there are friends that looked down on me.No support even hate what i wish to do.Sometimes,i want my friend to support me always.Sometimes support comes from person that you don't close to.Its ok.My priority is my family.I will invest to them if anything happen to me.No other people.

Friends whether they are close,stranger or light-light , i dun expect them to support me.I dun expect them to be there with me when im in deep difficulty.Sometimes,when i caught in the rain,i dun expect them to be there.I will find my sisters and my mother,originated from the same blood to get help.Because that is the truth.They will worry if i sick.I got fever.They will always by my side.I tried find one in this world.

The best example quoted from this case.When i arrived at Puduraya at 4 a.m.Who is going to attend that time to pick me up?or minor help , would be friend attend to you?I learnt it..No!!!

Actually.from children until now,it can be count with fingers!!I consider myself as a helpful person?Try me!!But why people can't?I don't know?Selfish??Yup!Mostly people will do that!Why??

Because :

Im not his blood!

Im just a friend!

No special relationship!

and im his friends only.

Sometimes i feel so damn tired of thinking.I always attend to them.But them?Hmm..nothing..
Lastly,when i heard word came up from my mother's mouth, "Ko pentingkan adik-beradik ko,kawan-kawan slalu ada waktu senang je.Masalah remeh-temeh,diorang takkan tolong.Percayalah cakap mak ni..ko adik-beradik jangan bergaduh!!"

Maka sampai sekarang,aku akan teruskan pentingkan adik-beradik aku!Then,kawan2 aku yang rapat.Itu aje.

Aku pernah ada bertemu rakan-rakan aku yang betul2 ade ketika aku susah..Siapa?Mereka adalah golongan rakan2 yang sentiasa tanya khabar aku,ada ketika aku waktu susah samaada kecil atau besar,masalah remeh-temeh pun die boleh aje nak bantu,tak berkira ngan aku.

Aku teringat kat Richard,waktu tu aku nak balik kg.Waktu tu,hari hujan renyai2!Aku call semua orang kat kolej U.M.Sume kasi alasan.Tp Richard,aku mintak tolong last minute,dia sanggup hantar aku pi stesen bas.Waktu tu aku terharu sangat.

Selain dari itu,aku slalu mintak Richard tolong amik aku kat stesen bas waktu aku tiba di K.L. seawal pukul 7 pagi.Sape aje yang sanggup bangun pagi ketika hari ahad ketika orang sedap tidor.Richard aje la yg sanggup.Ada sebenarnya kawan2 aku yg mcam tu.Ada.Tp sgt sikit!

Tp aku dah ok je...Aku lebih suke buat sendiri.Senang!Tp kalu kawan2 mintak tolong aku,aku membantu.Sebab aku bukan selfish.Aku bukan camtu.Tp orang selfish akan ku balas dengan selfish.Hmm..Ok la...Tu aje..

Ada list of friends less than 10 considered true friends.But biarlah rahsia!


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