Sunday, January 30, 2011


Sunday, January 30, 2011 0
Im staring at my tv nothing to watch as none of the programmes catch my attention.My ear is really pleasure listening to Rudy's song named Under The Starlight.Like you put yourself in the water with a very sensual and mystic feeling.I just can't stand to contribute to beautify the loved song!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Gitaris Sang Rudi yg datang membuat lagu

Saturday, January 29, 2011 0
Rudi datang umah i buat lagu.Sodap.Style cam coldplay.Very dark!Wow.Delicious sound!I can't hardly wait to insert my vocal.hUHU!Nanti aku kasi demo kat korang la!Mesti masyuk!

Bil Elektrik mahal?

Mahal giler bil letrik aku kali ini.RM70.duduk dua orang je.Ishk.Tak patot.Lepas ni kena pandai tutup sume lampu kalu kuar rumah.Mahal nak mampos!Ada letrik bocor ke?Ntah ler..

Friday, January 28, 2011

Rezki halal vs rezki haram?

Friday, January 28, 2011 0
Hari ini aku terperasan sesuatu.Aku masih mencari jawapan di manakah arah tuju aku dalam muzik ini?Macam mana kalu band muzik aku jadi!Ntah ler.Macam terasa taknak buat band rudi begitu bersungguh2 dengan aku.Aku tak tau nak cakap camne kat die nnt! Sigh!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Saturday morning

Friday, January 21, 2011 0
Yesterday,Rudy called me to return my guitar cable.He said he was in Shah Alam awaiting with other band  to practice.I guessed this was his another project with other band instead of sticking to his own ,JUTA.I was that time in a big thought wondering myself too loyal to JUTA band while he was freely experimenting with others.Imagine if his project with others are meant to be well hit and triumph , i am sure that he will leave us indeed.Because from the way he is , his goal to be success in music industry.No matter what is coming , i am guaranteed he will no doubt to grab whatever chance in front of him.I must assume that everything could be possible to him.

So i am going to start my solo project.Without noticing him,i will make myself clear that i wont wait for him to do the progress of my music project.I believe that myself also capable to produce good music after few comparison towards my self-composed song and him.I rather to say that my songs are more likable even not appreciated by him.Even skill of guitar is clearly dominated by him,i believe CREATIVITY is still belonged to everybody.I also can give lots of golden ideas toward my solo project.I am so convinced after performing well on last Soundstage battle of the band.I'm going to initiate my solo project focusing not to deviate from Islamic way?How?Nasyid?Not so.Instill the commercial elements without breaking the Islamic rule.Is it possible?Im going to make it happen!Yes! 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hukum sembahyang berjemaah

Thursday, January 20, 2011 0
Seketika aku tersentak meng-question my understanding on 'Hukum Solat Berjemaah'.Some say wajib and some say fardhu kifayah je...

Maka aku dulu blaja kat skool arab aku dulu kat Kole katanye wajib kamu ke Masjid sekiranya kamu terdengar azan kecuali disebabkan keuzuran.

Lepas tu tergerak aku nak baca satu ni.

Dalam mazhab Syafie hukum sembahyang berjemaah adalahFardu Kifayah, wajib ke atas semua lelaki yang mampu, namun apabila ada sekumpulan yang melakukankannya, gugurlah kewajipan itu. Ini bersandarkan hadis:
Tidak ada tiga orang (lelaki) dalam sesebuah kampung atau sesebuah desa yang tidak mengerjakan sembahyang berjemaah, melainkan mereka (mudah) dikuasai oleh syaitan (dengan menjadikan mereka mencuaikan perintah syara’); oleh itu hendaklah engkau sentiasa menyatukan diri dengan jemaah (kerana dengan itulah sahaja engkau akan selamat dari angkara syaitan) (Riwayat Imam Ahmad).

Ate selama ni , idok la teman tau gamaknye tak wajib pi sebab fadhu kifayah make teman pi tanya pak ustaz pian,die kate idok la waiib tp bnyak manfaatnye kalu pi jemaah.Hmm..takpe lepah ni teman nak pi aje solat jemaah sbb sonok rasenye same2 ngan sume

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Wednesday, January 19, 2011 0
I was so late to find tune.In new place,i try to all out to show my commitment.Now i feel so comfortable with life,colleagues,best friends,bosses and everybody.Audit taught about being talkative and zero silent.To get good life,challenge yourself in every seconds in moment.I dun see anything but now i see myself at front page of their life.

When i do stay here,my feeling is so happy.I'll be staying until my last breathe.I dun want to get trouble,to trouble and be trouble.Myself is responsible to make everybody happy without hunger for their   reply.I must stick to myself to be with Allah.I realized there is lots of excitements waiting for me if i am His good servant.

Ya Allah,I feel no lonely at all when fulfilling your  tasks as your servant.I am tiny but i want to be good and try to improve myself each seconds of my life.I want to be back at Your right lane.Please dont make myself forget you.I am so calm..tHANKs!

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